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The Finance/Stewardship Ministry is excited to provide these varied giving options. We are grateful for your support of all the wonderful missions at Trinity!


  1. Place cash or check in the offering plate

  2. Use your bank’s online bill pay system

  3. Use the "Donate" button below to make a gift using a debit/credit card. Although you can also use these methods for electronic funds transfer from your savings or checking account, we ask you to consider #2 above instead to save Trinity the transaction fee.


  4. Make a gift of stock or other appreciated securities. Make your required minimum distribution (RMD) from your IRA. 



Contact the church Stewardship Ministry Chair (Steve Culp - for more information on the types of gifts listed above (options #3 and #4).



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Did you know that you can now submit your 2025 Trinity Pledge Card ONLINE?!?
You will receive an immediate copy of your pledge via email (for your records) and our Stewardship Chair and Treasurer will receive copies as well.



Have you been looking for ways to get involved and make a difference? There are myriad opportunities for service to the community, but it can be hard to know where to start when it comes to matching your skills and interests with the need. Fortunately, there are a couple of new ways for you to learn about volunteer opportunities and to get involved:


  • First, check out Trinity’s newly revised and updated Reach Out and Serve booklet. Copies are available in the Narthex.


  • Another option is to explore the United Way of Henderson County’s Volunteer Matching Program—an online, mobile-friendly portal within UWHC’s public website, listing volunteer opportunities at non-profit agencies located in Henderson County.  Members of the public can now view and apply online for volunteer positions that fit their skills and interests. Access the site by visiting and click on the “volunteer” button.






At Trinity, we believe all God’s children are gifted for ministry. We believe we are called to serve. When we use our gifts in service to others, we are Christ’s hands reaching out to those in need. We invite you to be active…doing the things you enjoy…by sharing your Time and Talent and Interests.


Prayerfully consider where and how God is calling you to use your time and talents. For more information about any of the volunteer opportunities or groups you are interested in participating in, please call the ministry or committee contact person listed.




Administration Ministry

Performs administrative functions including overseeing compliance with and revising by-laws, establishing policies and procedures, managing contracts, coordinating Minutes for Mission, and assisting establishing a public relations program for Trinity.

Ministry Member

Office Budget Management



Building and Grounds Ministry 

Maintains and cares for the existing facilities and grounds of the church.

Ministry Member


Indoor Gardening

Small Repairs

Sound & Light Operator

Recycling Program

Sunday Security Team

Columbarium Sales & Service


Christian Nurture Ministry 

Focuses on growing understanding of our commitment to Jesus Christ and God, CNM develops opportunities for spiritual growth, recommends and approves the curriculum for the Learning Hour and VBS, oversees the library and the audio-visual equipment.


Ministry Member

Adult Learning Hour Teacher

Library Committee

Youth Learning Hour Teacher

Children's Learning Hour Teacher

Nursery Volunteer

Working with Youth

Ohmann Committee (adult lecture series) 



Fellowship  Ministry  

Ensures that each member feels known and cared for. They are responsible for all programs and activities which help members know each other better and integrating new members into the life of the church.


Ministry Member

Wednesday Night Live Kitchen Crew

Sunday Coffee

Retreat Planning

Wednesday Night Live Program

Easter Breakfast


Finance Ministry 

Has oversight for all financial activities including Trinity Preschool, but excluding the Endowment Fund Committee.


Ministry Member

Treasurer/Assistant Treasurer


Monday Morning Volunteer

Systems and Reports 



Global  Missions  Ministry 

Fulfills the mission outreach for Trinity to fulfill the needs that exist beyond Henderson County. This includes coordinating 5 Cents a Meal offering, promoting special offerings, assisting with mission trips, and receiving reports from the Guatemala Partnership Committee.


Ministry Member

Liaison - 5 Cents a Meal

Guatemala Partnership

Mission Support Team

Special Offerings



Local Missions Ministry 

Leads the congregation in its outreach to the community through encouraging the congregation to be engaged in Local Mission opportunities and managing the funds allocated for Local Mission purposes. This ministry dreams big dreams of how Trinity might better serve the community in effective, meaningful, innovative, and theologically appropriate ways.


Ministry Member

Volunteer with:

Habitat for Humanity

Hendersonville Rescue Mission

Henderson County Guardian ad Litem program




and many more local agencies.



New Member Ministry 

Responsible for contacting potential new members, welcoming newcomers, and helping to integrate new members into the life of the congregation. They also plan orientation programs and support for individuals new to Trinity, assure suitable recognition of new members, and prepare the membership directory.


Ministry Member

Sunday Greeter

Trinity Thirty Host

"Trinity Pal" for new members

Membership Directory 



Personnel Ministry 

In conjunction with  the pastor, manages job descriptions, hiring, dismissal, terms of employment, employee performance, and problems on the job. Members must be ordained elders.


Ministry Member


Prayer  Shawl  Ministry  

Ministry members who knit or crochet (and those who would like to learn) create prayer shawls for Trinity members and community who are in need of comfort or a hug of celebration.


Ministry Member


Trinity is excited to invite you to join Trinity Presbyterian Knitters Ministry.

The Prayer Shawl Ministry at Trinity threads love, comfort, and prayers into each shawl; a spirit-guided outreach that blends gifts, talents and grace to celebrate God’s word. Care and the love of knitting and crocheting are combined into a prayerful ministry that creates shawls that wrap, enfold, comfort and give solace.  Each shawl will be blessed and distributed to those in need…with both the giver and the receiver feeling the unconditional embrace of our sheltering God.


We welcome all of you who knit or crochet to join the Prayer Shawl Ministry. You can craft in your own home and/or work on a shawl with the “Parlor Knitters” at church. Meetings are quarterly during the year. Put your faith and love into action by joining Trinity’s Prayer Shawl Ministry. Our brochures are on the “Welcome Table” at the church’s front doors.

Contact: Donna Dalton – 828-674-0335 


Prayer Shawl Ministry brochures are on the "Welcome” table at church’s front doors.


Stewardship Ministry 

Plans, organizes, and implements Trinity’s year-round stewardship effort encouraging church members to give time, talent, and treasure.


Ministry Member



Worship Ministry 

Makes arrangements for public, corporate worship of God fostering an inviting atmosphere for members and non-members. Responsibilities include the music program, paraments, banners, and other items for special occasions,  scheduling communion servers, ushers and sound booth personnel, and arrangements for liturgical seasons such as Lent and Advent.



Ministry Member

Flower Chairperson

Banner Making

Holiday Decorating

Adult Choir

Advent/Lent Committee

Communion Server

Communion Preparation




Take part in special programs:

(Speaker, Bible Character, Set Production, Costuming, etc.)



Board  of  Deacons 


Deacon Position

Alternate Deacon

Cookies for Memorial Services

Soups/Casseroles for Deacons' freezer

Intercessory Prayers 



Endowment  Fund  Committee 

Is charged with the management, operation, and administration of the Endowment Fund of Trinity.


Committee Member


Hannan Committee 

Oversees use of the Hannans’ gift to use music to enhance worship, increase fellowship, and extend outreach to our community.


Committee Member


Nominating Committee 


Committee Member


Technology Committee 
Serves as a resource group for Ministries and other committees on technology issues.


Committee Member


Office  Volunteers  


Lunch Time Volunteer


Bulk Mailing Crew






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