Osmundo is a Presbyterian pastor and theologian who started a social-theological seminary in Suchitepéquez Presbytery in Guatemala. He has been a Guatemalan national congressman for the last four years where he was very active in the area of rights for indigenous peoples, women, and children. Dorcas is from Boujilla, a tiny village in the mountains. She speaks passionately about how valuable the partnership was to her growing up, especially the opportunity to have a scholarship to go to school.
Where: Trinity Presbyterian Church
When: Monday, April 29, 2024
Time: 12:00 Lunch
1:00 Presentation, Questions and Answers
Cost: Love Offering
Please join us if you would like to know more about
Osmundo and Dorcas's experience of the partnership, brotherhood and
solidarity among the peoples of the world,
the political situation in Guatemala,
the life of women in Guatemala, and
the effects of migration on Guatemala.
Please sign up on the bulletin board at Trinity by Thursday, April 25, if you plan to attend the lunch.