Friday, May 27 6:35 p.m.
McCormick Field, Asheville
(5:15 in Trinity Parking Lot to Carpool)
What could be a better way to start the summer season than with a trip to McCormick Field? Your Fellowship Ministry believes that this would be a great way for our church family to kick off the season. And so, we have arranged for Trinity to have a block of tickets for the 6:35 PM GAME ON FRIDAY, MAY 27.
If you would like to participate in this outing, please sign up on the sheet which is posted on the bulletin board in the church’s Narthex. If you wish to car pool please be in the church parking lot no later than 5:15.
Tickets are $9 each. Kathy Madigan will have tickets available for sale the week before the game.
Batter Up!